The European Commission has put in place a Temporary Protection Directive (insert hyperlink) to offer quick and effective assistance in the EU to people fleeing the war in Ukraine. Amongst other things, this means that Ukrainian refugees will be given a temporary residence permit, have access to healthcare, education, the labour market and different services and networks of the EU. This includes the European Consumer Centre Network (ECC-Net), which can help you in many different ways.

How can the ECC Network help you?

We help consumers by providing free information and assistance if they have an issue with a business in another country. If you encounter any cross-border consumer problems while you are in one of the ECC-Net countries, we can provide you with free legal advice and assistance. Consumer problems can also include difficulties with travel, such as travel tickets, cancellations and luggage.

Where can the ECC Network help you?

The European Consumer Centre Network (ECC-Net) is a network of 29 offices in the 27 EU Member States, Iceland and Norway. We can help you if you are living in an EU country, Iceland or Norway and have a dispute with a business from another EU country, Iceland or Norway. We can also help you if you have questions about your EU consumer rights.

If you have a question or a request, simply contact your local European Consumer Centre. All ECCs are able to provide assistance in English as well as in local languages.

Other EU initiatives for help and support

EU pages and organisations



Послуги мережі Європейського споживчого центру (ECC-net) доступні для громадян України в межах ЄС.pdf