Hotels, flights, restaurants, spa treatments, shopping, rally driving, helicopter rides…. the options for gift vouchers are endless. Read on to find out what rules apply in the EU and most importantly what you can do if you have a problem with a gift voucher.

Can you buy a voucher from an EU based business?

While you can usually order a gift voucher from a business in another EU country, you should always check if some limitations apply. So, for example, if you buy a gift card on a German site, the terms and conditions could require that the voucher is only spent on the German website or in the Germany shop.

What are the rules around gift vouchers?

While national laws can vary between countries, EU law provides important protections that consumers can expect when they buy or receive a voucher for a business located within the EU, Iceland or Norway.

Businesses must provide you with all the essential information you need to make an informed decision. This includes information about the product or service you are buying, and any terms that apply. This information is usually set out in the terms and conditions. Both the business and the consumer are bound by these terms and conditions.

When it comes to gift vouchers, this means you should be given clear and consistent information about:

  • monetary value
  • expiry date
  • any conditions on how the voucher can be used e.g. how it can be spent and how the consumer can check the remaining balance.

Are expiry dates allowed?

There are no common rules in the EU on the minimum timeframes that vouchers must be valid for.  For instance, Ireland has a five-year expiry rule for most gift vouchers, while in other countries the expiry date is set by the business. So always make sure you check the terms and conditions around the expiry date in advance.

What about if a voucher has expired?

If your voucher has expired, you usually do not have the right to get a refund or extend the card duration. However, it is worth contacting the business to find out if they will extend it as a gesture of goodwill.

What should I do if I have a problem with a gift voucher?

If your voucher is for a business located in another EU country, Iceland, Norway or the UK and you live in the Republic of Ireland, we can help you. You can either use our ‘Ask us a question’ for example, to find out if the rules around expiry dates in another country. Or you can ‘Submit a complaint’ to us, for example if you weren’t provided with an expiry date or have difficulty using your voucher.

If you are a resident in Ireland and the business is located in Ireland, you will need to contact the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission.