If your purchase does not arrive within 30 days you are entitled to decide a new delivery date, in which your purchase must be delivered by or, you can cancel your order and get a full refund. You can use this letter template to inform the business of the required delivery date or to cancel your order.
Late or non-delivery
Letter template
<Your name>
<Your address>
<Your eircode>
<Your email>
<Business name>
<Business address>
<Business postcode>
<Business email>
<Insert date>
Subject: Right to cancel due to delayed delivery or non-delivery
Reference: <Order number>
Dear Sir, Madam,
On <date>, I made an online purchase from <name of business> for the sum of € <enter the total amount here>. The order has not been delivered yet.
<Select one of the options below>
Option 1:
The agreed delivery date has passed. I would like to request that you deliver my order within <number of days> and inform me of the status of the delivery. If you cannot deliver the order within this timeframe, I want to receive a refund of the purchase sum of € <enter the total amount>. I expect the refund to be made within 14 days to the same payment method that I used to make the purchase.
Option 2:
I no longer want to wait for the delivery of my order. Under consumer law I have the right to cancel a purchase if it was not delivered within 30 days or on a date agreed by both of us.
I therefore request that you refund the purchase sum of € <enter the total amount> within 14 days to the same payment method that I used to make the purchase.
Yours sincerely,
<Name and signature>
- Copy of order receipt for item